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发布时间:2013-1-12 8:27:12 来源:腾讯博客 【字体:



 自从去年英国媒体揭露已故BBC前主播吉米·萨维尔(Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile, 1926.10.31-2011.10.29)性侵丑闻以后,警方立即就萨维尔生前性侵犯行为发起了专项调查,名为“杉树行动”(Operation Yewtree)。⑴“杉树行动”调查包括三个方面,针对萨维尔的指称,针对萨维尔和他人的指称和针对他人的指称。1月11日,“杉树行动”的调查结果出炉,题目是《给受害者以声音》(Giving Victims a Voice),这份报告揭示出这位曾经广受儿童欢迎的《吉米来搞定》(Jim"ll Fix It)的主持人对女性,特别是对女童的种种恶行。





——他在13家医院里曾犯下性侵行为,其中包括著名伦敦大奥蒙德街(Great Ormond Street)儿童医院。

——有一例1977年发生在麦地收容院(Wheatfields Hospice)。




——在BBC场所内发生的性侵指控时间从1965年一直到2006年,包括在BBC《顶级流行乐》(Top of the Pops)最后一期的录制过程中。



. 英国全国防止虐待儿童学会(National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,简称NSPCC)认为,发生这种长达几十年的恶行丑闻,实在令人费解(beggars belief)。同时他们非常遗憾地说,因为萨维尔已经去世,受害儿童(现在大多已经成年),已经难以找到公正了。



⑴原文是:Operation Yewtree has three strands - claims against Savile, claims against Savile and others, and claims against others. 见:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Yewtree


Some 214 crimes were recorded across 28 police force areas, including 34 of rape or penetration, the report said.

Savile offended at 13 hospitals, including Great Ormond Street, with one offence recorded at Wheatfields Hospice in 1977

A total of 14 offences were recorded in relation to schools

Savile's youngest victim was an eight-year-old boy, and the oldest was a 47-year-old woman

The earliest allegation is from 1955 in Manchester and the last is from 2009

Offences were carried out at the BBC between 1965 and 2006, including at the last Top of the Pops recording

Peak offending took place between 1966 and 1976

A total of 450 people have made sexual abuse allegations against Savile since October - of whom 73% were under 18, with most aged 13 to 16


标签:杉树 行动 揭露 丑闻 细节



·政府要托底 爱心需鼓励2013.01.14